Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog Post #8

Richard Miller: This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2
 This video really open my eyes about how technology is changing theway we are processing the information. It showed a new way of looking at the Internet which involved txt embedded with various types of media such s images, audio, and video. This information provided culd be from various sources which includes information from the past or the present.

EDM 310 is Different: The Chipper Series and EDM For Dummies
 These videos ws very interesting and entertaining. In the Chipper Series, it talks about how you should be on time with the assignments. It shows us that no matter what the circumstances is, you must still do your work and turn it in on time. In the EDM For Dummies, it talks about how the students get confused and mad about not understanding the assignment. Its normal but the video showed us that we shouldn't be afraid to ask for help and to use the lab as our advantage.

 In both videos, they said how smartboards are just a waste of money and how it would only keep the students attention for a short period of time. I think smarboards are a great access to the classroom. It helps the students want to learn more and get more involve in the classroom and keep their attention instead of listening at a teacher for an hour straight.
Heres a website that have a different take on smartboards than Mr. Staton and Mr. Ferriter: www.techlearning.com/article/5160


  1. I thought EDM310 for Dummies and The Chipper Series were both beneficial and entertaining. It made me see how much easier the class can be if you just do your things on time. The information on SmartBoards was a real eye-opener for me. I didn't understand how unimportant items like that were. Above all, I didn't realize that administrators purchase them primarily for administrative, rather than educational, purposes.

  2. Thoughtful BUT your post needs proofreading. And a post is NOT a text message.
