Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blog Post #9

What I've Learned This Year by Mr. McClung
 This was a very inspiring post. Perfection doesn't always happen in the classroom. You must be able to make mistakes in order for the lessons to be absorbed. Mr. McClung stated "Being a teacher does not mean that the school is all about you: How you perform is not the question," it's how your projections inspire the students to perform well. Teachers should not be speech makers, but should simply guide the students into an area of study and let them immerse themseleves.


  1. Hey Jameica! I am your C4C #9! Good job on your post! Mr. McClung had a lot of useful information in his post. It was very helpful for me and future educators! He gave good advice, my personal favorite was when he was talking about how it is the educators responsibility to pick students up when they do not succeed at something and encourage them to do better! You blog is looking GREAT! Keep up the good work!

  2. Great post Jamica!

    You are correct it is all about being a good guide for students and getting them motivated. Making students want to learn or engaging students is provably the most difficult part of teaching. So many teachers are not concerned about "being a salesman" and they loose a lot of students. SS
